

Alt+Enter on all platforms: Shows intention actions and quick-fixes.

Smart completion:

Ctrl+Shift+Space on all platforms: Offers more accurate completion suggestions than basic completion, by filtering the list of methods and variables to match the expression type.

Refactor this:

Ctrl+Tn all platforms: Shows the list of refactorings available in the current scope.

G## o to Related Symbol: Ctrl+Cmd+Up for OS X, Ctrl+Alt+Home: Helps you to quickly navigate between .h and .cpp files, and more.

Generate code:

Alt+Insert on Windows/Linux: Suggests code generation options for you.

Surround With:

Ctrl+Alt+T on Windows/Linux: Helps you generate surrounding blocks of code like if..else, do..while, #ifdef, etc.

Find usages:

Alt+F7 on all platforms: Finds code and non-code usages of the selected word.

File structure:

Cmd+F12 for OS X, Ctrl+F12: Helps you navigate through the file structure: file_structure

Find action:

Shift+Cmd+A on OS X, Ctrl+Shift+A on Windows/Linux: Searches for actions by their names; especially useful when you don’t know the full action name. Other questions


  • 切来切去:Ctrl+Tab
  • 选你所想:Ctrl+W
  • 代码生成:Template/Postfix +Tab
  • 发号施令:Ctrl+Shift+A
  • 无处藏身:Shift+Shift
  • 自动完成:Ctrl+Shift+Enter
  • 创造万物:Alt+Insert
  • 智能补全:Ctrl+Shift+Space
  • 自我修复:Alt+Enter
  • 重构一切:Ctrl+Shift+Alt+T
